We are in 2024 and nearly exactly 80 years ago (on the 10 th December) a bright scientist, colleague
and friend was born: Enrico Costa.
This message is to invite you to celebrate Enrico’s birthday with him and all of us!
All of you have played a part in Enrico's scientific career, or you have simply accompanied him during his scientific endeavors. His scientific journey continues at full steam! We want to highlight only the most important contributions so far to the development of experiments in physics and astronomy. This includes the era of balloon flights until the end of the '80s with FIGARO (French- Italian Gamma Ray Observatory), LAPEX, the precursor of BeppoSAX PDS, and SUGAR (Supernova Gamma-Ray), then the Stellar X-ray Polarimeter (SXRP), which was built and calibrated but unfortunately never flown. Then BeppoSAX came with its discovery of the X-ray afterglow and extragalactic origin of Gamma-Ray Bursts, JEM-X onboard INTEGRAL, the design of SuperAGILE onboard AGILE, and now IXPE (the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Experiment), that brought the third Bruno Rossi Prize to Enrico, after BeppoSAX and AGILE.
Besides his participation at all levels in these experiments and missions, Enrico is now continuing to push for new experiments and missions such as HERMES, eXTP, CUSP, Protosphera and R&D in X-ray polarimeters for future experiments. And on top of all of this, how many of us have had stimulating private scientific discussions with Enrico that were so useful for our work, or simply enjoyed times chatting with him?
You are very welcome to join a 3-day science workshop that will be held in Rome at the
This message is to invite you to celebrate Enrico’s birthday with him and all of us!
All of you have played a part in Enrico's scientific career, or you have simply accompanied him during his scientific endeavors. His scientific journey continues at full steam! We want to highlight only the most important contributions so far to the development of experiments in physics and astronomy. This includes the era of balloon flights until the end of the '80s with FIGARO (French- Italian Gamma Ray Observatory), LAPEX, the precursor of BeppoSAX PDS, and SUGAR (Supernova Gamma-Ray), then the Stellar X-ray Polarimeter (SXRP), which was built and calibrated but unfortunately never flown. Then BeppoSAX came with its discovery of the X-ray afterglow and extragalactic origin of Gamma-Ray Bursts, JEM-X onboard INTEGRAL, the design of SuperAGILE onboard AGILE, and now IXPE (the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Experiment), that brought the third Bruno Rossi Prize to Enrico, after BeppoSAX and AGILE.
Besides his participation at all levels in these experiments and missions, Enrico is now continuing to push for new experiments and missions such as HERMES, eXTP, CUSP, Protosphera and R&D in X-ray polarimeters for future experiments. And on top of all of this, how many of us have had stimulating private scientific discussions with Enrico that were so useful for our work, or simply enjoyed times chatting with him?
You are very welcome to join a 3-day science workshop that will be held in Rome at the
Auditorium Antonianum
Viale Manzoni 1, Roma
San Francesco Conference hall